Monday, January 28, 2013

Job Interview Issues - How To Dress To Match The Interview

Recently a job seeker sent me this inquiry below, relating to their problems with how to dress for an interview. Read on and see how sometimes the issues become confusing.

"Hello Mark,
Couple days ago I went to a job interview with a national restaurant chain. I got the interview through a recruiter, who told me to dress "appropriately" for the job interview. So I wore Dockers, a nice shirt with button down collar and neck tie. And I wore my non-slip shoes, as the interview was to take place at one of their restaurant locations, I figured safety first. I would have wore my dress suit, but when the recruiter said to dress "appropriately," I took that to mean to dress according to the interview location. So I did. Well, I just heard back from the recruiter and he told me I was out of consideration for the job. One of the reasons he mentioned for me being removed, was my manner of dress, and specifically mentioned my shoes. The interviewer didn't feel I was dressed correctly for the job interview. I feel as though I was dressed correctly, because we met at a in-operation restaurant location. How is one to know what is appropriate and what is not appropriate job interview dress?

Tracy M, Lexington, KY"
As you see from the letter above, job interview dress issues can be confusing. When I speak with my own job candidates, my advice about how to dress for any job interview is almost always the same: "Dress as though you are going to meet the President of the Company." When you enter a job interview, first impressions are lasting. You are not dressing to impress the person or persons with whom you are meeting -- though that may also be a benefit of your appearance -- instead, you are dressing to exhitbit yourself as a professional in your vocation. Never quibble over this, always dress for success, however cliche it may sound.

Now, there are some exceptions, which is why I say above my advice is 'almost always the same:' when it comes to what to wear to a job interview. For example, when your interview may include a work environment tour that requires protective clothing or when formal clothing may be vulnerable to destruction, such as a tour of a factory or manufacturing plant, or construction site, or mining facility. But in such cases, don't assume, ask your interviewer prior to your visit what they consider proper attire. Don't guess, and if you cannot verify their opinion of what to wear, 'always dress for success.' Risking the cost of cleaning or even replacing a dress suit may seem an expensive way to get a job, but if you get the job, it may seem a small price to pay.
Best Of Luck With Your Job Search


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